Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Real World

In high school, I attended a leadership seminar where I was asked to make a list of life goals. On that list I had around fifteen different things listed. Ranging from taking a picture with every character at Disney World to visiting every state, but two of them read like this:

  • Graduate from Concordia University, Nebraska
  • Become a teacher (preferably a Lutheran school teacher)
I'm very excited to announce, that as of tomorrow, I will be able to check both of these off the list! 

December 20th is the official date of graduation. Every since I found out I would be graduating a semester early, I told myself that I would defer a Call and would be a substitute in the Seward area. But God, being the humorous type, said he had something else in mind. I'm nervous, scared, thrilled, terrified, excited...every emotion, really... to announce that I will be taking a teaching position in Shenzhen, China, at Buena Vista Concordia International School (a.k.a. BCIS). From what I know, I will be teaching English to 1st through 3rd graders. I leave January 5th and will return the 21st of May. 

I am a HUGE fan of blogs - whether I know the author or not! I love reading people's opinion on a variety of topics. I love discovering a teacher's blog who is willing to share a method or an idea that was successful in their classroom. And we all know how much I love food, so when I find a blog that shares a simple recipe I'm on it like white on rice. It is my hope that you will find encouragement, some laughter, and (if you're a teacher) a few ideas as I begin this journey in the real world.

As for now, I'll continue to sip coffee from my alumni cup and enjoy the time I have at home with my mom, sister, pup, and fish. 

Yes, I'm one of those people who will pose their coffee mug in front of the Christmas tree. I figure it's better than jumping on the selfie bandwagon. 

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you! You will do great Molly. With love - Lindsey Fatherley
