Saturday, January 25, 2014

Chinese New Year at BCIS

Because I knew little to nothing about the Chinese New Year, I asked one of my student's parents to come in to help us celebrate. Between her and Miss Wendy, I learned as much as my students, if not more!

Miss Wendy, my wonderful aid, told the story of Nian, a horrible monster. According to legend, Nian visited a little village to scare the people. But, the people of the village discovered that the monster was afraid of the color red and loud noises. When Nian arrived he was greeted by firecrackers, loud noise makers, people waving red ribbons, etc. and they scared the monster away forever! This is why the city of Shenzhen (and probably other cities all over China) have been practically painted red and I fall asleep to the sounds of firecrackers each night. It is their hope that they will scare away any evil that might be lurking around from the previous year and they can start the new year off fresh!

Derek's mother, or Iris, showed us a variety of beautiful decorations. All red, of course!
We made dumplings!
Yesterday we had a school wide celebration of the Chinese New Year!

Tug of War is taken VERY seriously!

Pre-Grade 2.1 beat 2.2!
The parents are just as competitive as the children!
Teachers vs. Parents
 We have the next two weeks off to celebrate the new year! I feel like I just got here and I already have a break. But, I'm thankful for the time to do some planning for the upcoming months.

Happy {Chinese} New Year! 

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